plan overview and how to Subscribe

These are the 3 premium subscription options for using our AI tools:

1. Teacher’s Plan:

  • Cost: GYD $6000 per year and has been used by thousands of teachers in Guyana
  • Features:
    • Lesson plan generator for nursery to grade 11
    • Worksheet creator
    • Test writer
    • Literary weekly planner (beta)
    • Lesson plan in table format (beta)
    • Much more
    • Word quota: 70,000 words per week
  • The Teacher’s Plan is designed to streamline lesson preparation for educators. It offers comprehensive tools such as a lesson plan generator, worksheet and test creators, and more, tailored for teaching from nursery to grade 11. With a generous weekly word quota of 70,000 words, educators can efficiently manage their instructional materials throughout the academic year.

2. University Plan:

  • Cost: GYD $6000 for 6 months
  • Features:
    • All features of the Teacher’s Plan (if applicable)
    • Essay writing assistance
    • Research assistance
    • Grammar checker
    • Paragraph shortener/expander
    • Reference finder
    • Paragraph citation
    • PowerPoint creator
    • Word quota: 140,000 words per week
  • The University Plan extends the capabilities of the Teacher’s Plan to support higher education needs. In addition to lesson planning tools, it offers robust assistance for academic writing, research, and presentation creation. With an expanded word quota of 140,000 words per week, it caters to the intensive writing and research demands of university-level academics.

3. University Plus :

  • Cost: GYD $6000 for 3 months
  • Features:
    • All features of the University Plan
    • Best of this plan you get a personalized assistance 
    • Forum responder
    • YouTube video summarizer
    • Past research paper finder
    • Long paper 
    • AI content humanizer
    • Plagiarism checker
    • Word quota: 140,000 words per week
  • The University Plus Plan represents the pinnacle of academic support, enhancing the capabilities of the University Plan with advanced features. It includes personalized assistance for academic tasks, forum participation, video summarization, and access to extensive research resources. With tools for long-form writing, content enhancement, and plagiarism prevention, this plan is ideal for scholars seeking comprehensive support during their academic pursuits.

how to Subscribe?

This is the info for Subscription access for our plans : . You can send $6000 via MMG (MONEY) . Then give me your name and email I will register you for one year. My MMG number is 6490508 my name is Gavin Thomas. You can look for MMG locations here : or any GTT location if you don’t have it in your phone .Mmg can also be sent through Republic bank app and GBTI online banking . Republic bank can also transfer money via the send to a friend payment option.

How to send money via republic bank app ?

1. Log in to the Republic Bank online application.
2. Open the menu and scroll to select “My Payment with Friends.”
3. Choose “Send Payment.”
4. Enter the amount of $6000.
5. Select the contact to whom you are sending the money.
6. Click “Send.”
7. You will be provided with a reference number—take a screenshot of it.

If “My Payment with Friends” is not visible, please follow the instructions to activate it. If the contact is not listed, make sure to add it to your device, including the number +5926490508.

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